A living orchard thanks to an army of auxiliaries

When we took over the farm in 2016, we quickly realized that one of the plots was particularly ungrateful and unsuitable for growing cereals or legumes. So we decided to turn it into a meadow orchard. In 2019, over 400 plum, apple and pear trees were planted.

In terms of the varieties chosen, we opted for the older, more disease-resistant varieties. In our orchard, we don’t spray fungicides, herbicides or insecticides, even those authorized in organic farming. We want a living orchard!

To ensure good air circulation and prevent the spread of disease, we’ve provided ample spacing between the trees. But to have a living orchard, we rely above all on an army of trusted helpers.

Trusted auxiliaries, working 24 hours a day, free of charge

To help us in the bio++ management of our orchard, we can count on several auxiliaries:

Sheep: they graze under the fruit trees in summer. As a result, they maintain the plot while limiting the presence of voles in the soil, which are fond of tree roots and would otherwise jeopardize the orchard’s long-term survival. How do they do it? It’s very simple. As they move, the sheep flock creates vibrations in the ground, which voles hate. They fled as quickly as possible.
Birds of prey : If a handful of voles still managed to resist the vibrations created by the sheep, the birds of prey would take care of them. To attract them, we set up raptor poles in different parts of the orchard. It’s quite fascinating to see. You set up the raptor perch and within the hour, a buzzard or hawk will land on it to spot its meal. Magic, isn’t it?
Birds : Birds play a crucial role in the orchard. They regulate insect pest populations. To encourage them to live in our orchard, we’ve installed nesting boxes on the fruit tree stakes. Every spring, we empty the nesting boxes so that the birds can build their nests for the year.
Insects : Did you know that some insects are predators of others? It’s super interesting in an orchard. To ensure their presence, we installed a giant insect hotel, as well as small shelters for earwigs (aphid eaters!) and piles of dead wood here and there in the orchard.

Would you like to taste these fruits growing in such a lively place?

Depending on the season, our plums, apples and pears are available from our vending machines, located less than 1km from the orchard.

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